Two methods are compared for determining resistance artificially through hipersensibility of some bean varieties derived from Corbett Refugee, inoculated with common bean mosaic virus (Phaseolus virus 1) . The Thomas and Fisher method, using the entire plant, proved highly effective, but is only recommended in the case of established varieties of advanced segregatian lines, inasmuch as the plants are finally destroyed. The Quanjer method, using detached leaves, proved to be less effective, but could be recommencled, especially if the two primary leaves of each plant are used mstead of only one, as it allows determination of resistance through hipersensibility to be made of individual plants wich may be selected for progeny. |
1 Ingeniero Agrónomo: Proyecto FitopatologÃa , Estación Experimental La Platina , Instituto de Investigaciones Agropccuarias. Profesor Auxiliar Cátedra de FitopatologÃa General, Facultad de AgronomÃa, Universidad Católica de Chile, y Cátedra de Fitopatologia, Universidad Católica de Valparaiso. |