ABSTRACT Milk production model with seasonal calvings, tor the X Region ot Chile
Luis Sáez T.1, Ernesto Jahn B.2, Juan Carlos Oumont L.3, Humberto Navarro D.3, Francisco Lanuza A.3 y Rubén Pulido F.2 |
A simulation modelwas used to evaluated a milk production system with seasonal calving for southern Chile. Factors evaluated were: three types of rainfall conditions: dry(D). normal (N) and rainy (R); calvÃng dates between July and November; potential mllk production; and quantity, duration and qual ity of summer supplementation. A total of 110 combinations were analyzed; results were obtained in production per cow and per hectare, feed intake and economic parameters. For normal and rainy years, the best calving dates were August and September, and for dry years, July. Summer supplementation did not greatly affect production/ha and net returns for normal dry or rainy years, with calving in July. With calving in October and November, these parameters were affected in normal and dry years, but not in rainy years. |
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1 Actividad privada. 2 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (lNIA). Casilla 426, ChilIán, Chile. 3 Estación Experimental Remehue (lNIA). Casilla 24-O, Osomo, Chile. |