Occurrence of the spotted alfalfa aphid in Chile (Homoptera: Aphididae)| characteristics and general considerations on its control

Enrique Zúñiga S.1 y Alfonso Aguilera P.2

Therioaphis trifolii (Monell) has been collected on Trifolium repens, T. pratense and Medicago sativa in Chile, distributed between paralels 32 and 39. It probably entered this country from Argentina, where it has been present for at least two seasons. A review of some of its morphological characteristic and of biological control campaigns and other strategies already applied in other countries, are discussed. The Chilean situation in lucerne fields, where complete biological control of other pest problems is being mantained for several seasons, recommends to iniciate a biological control project, within an integrated pest management point of view.

1 Subestación Experimental Control Biológico La Cruz (INIA), Casilla 3, La Cruz, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental Carillanca (INIA), Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile.