Propagation of plum and pear trees on clonal rootstocks, with simultaneous grafting and rooting

Gamalier Lemus S.1, Mónica Besoain R.2 y Eduardo Alonso S.2

With clonal propagation, true to tvpe plants can be obtained readilv. This work evaluated the possibilitV to have simultaneous rooting and bench-grafting in different clonal plum and quince rootstocks, grafted with plum and pear trees, respectivelv. In plums, rooting was 65.3% and 61.3%, in Marianna 2624 and Mvrobalan 29-C stocks respective IV, grafted with 'Santa Rosa' and planted in August. 'Beurre-Hardy' pear trees had a 900/0 success on 'Quince-N, when grafted and planted in July. The trees obtained were similar to those produced in two years, by conventional methods.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (lNIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Facultad de Agronomia, U. de Chile, CasilIa 1004, Santiago, Chile.