Pseudomonas syringae was isolated from highbush blueberry plants showing blossom blight and twig dieback, and from necrotic lesions on leaves; these plants were not severely affected by this bacteria. Hypersensitive reaction on “White Burley” tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves was positive. In artificial inoculation, this fluorescent Pseudomonas sp. did not infect the leaves and twigs of lilac (Syringae vuÃgaris) and inmature sweet or sour cherry fruits. Pathogenicity tests, carried out on Atlantic, Bluecrop, Concord and Herbert cultivars, induced the following symptoms; stem necrosis, dead buds, blossom blight, twig dieback and irregular necrotic lesions on leaves. This bacteria was classified by Dr. J.F. Bradbury of the Commonwealth Mycological Institute, as Pseudomonas syringae van Hall, belonging to Group lb of Lelliott etalii |