ABSTRACT The annual medies in Chile. III. Potential of the medie-wheat rotation in the '|secano interior'| of the Mediterranean zone
Alejandro del Pozo L.1, Carlos Ovalle M.1, Julia Avendaño R.2 y Pedro del Canto S.1 |
The use of annual medics in rotation with cereals (ley farming system). appears to be of great benefit to the interior dryland (secano interior). In this area, the traditional agriculture consist on a rotation of wheat and natural pasture, both with very low productivities. This paper anal'izes the agricultural problematic of the interior dryland and shows the potential of M. polymorpha in a farming system. A high productivity, of both medics and wheat, has been obtained with the ley farming system. |
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1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (lNIA), Casilla 426, ChilIán, Chile. 2 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (lNIA), Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Chile. |