Three field trials were carried out at the Ouilamapu Exp. Sta. (INIA, Chillán) during 1983-1985. Varieties used were the semidwarf Onda-INlA and Andifen, and the tall Vilufen and T-1500. Fertilization rates were: 0-0, 50-50, 100-100, 150-150, and 200-200 kg/ha of N and of P205, respectively. The main conclusions were: 1. Although semidwarf cultivars produced higher protein yield/ha, due to a higher grain yield, their grain protein content did not show a clear response to fertilization. 2. Grain protein content showed a significant increase in tall cultivars, according to the increases of the N and the P rates. 3. As the N and the P rates were incrased: - Hectoliter weight remained relatively unchanged. - Sedimentation value, dough development, and W value increased. - Loaf volume was higher with the higher rate of fertilization, in the tall cultivars. 4. By means of conventional wheat breeding carried out at Quilamapu, the new semidwarf cultivars released exceed the tallones, grown in earlier decades, in grain yield and industrial quality. |
1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, ChiIián, Chile. 2 Estación Experimental La Platina (lNIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile. |