ABSTRACT Biochemistry of soils derived from volcanic ashes. VII. Dehydrogenases determination
MarÃa Aguilera S.1, Gilda Borie B.1, Pamela Rokov C.2 y Pedro Peirano V.1 |
Dehydrogenase and respiratory activities were studied in six soils, five of volcanic origin and the other alluvial, as a reference. Dehydrogenases activity was measured by the reduction of 2,3, 5-Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride (TTC) to Triphenylformazan (TFF). TFF being deep red, facilitates its quanfication by spectrophotometry. The Osorno soil exhibited the highest contents of dehydrogenases, followed by Corte Alto, Frutillar and Arrayán, all of them being of volcanic origin and having high content of organic matter. Puerto Octay showed values similar to Olivos, which is alluvial and of a low content of organic matter. The effect of humidity levels on dehydrogenases content varied according to soil characteristics. TFF adsorption by these soils turned out to be very h igh. |
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1 Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas y Farmacéuticas, U. de Chile, Casilla 233, Santiago, Chile. 2 Memorista para optar al tÃtulo de QuÃmico-Farmacéutico de la Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas y Farmacéuticas, U. de Chile. |