The distribution and life cycle of the grape Leafroller, Tortricid Proeulia auraria (Clarke)

Luciano Campos S.1, Marcela A. Faccin M.2, Nelson Echeverría L. 2, Luis Sazo R.1

The life cycle, hosts and distribution of the grape leafroller tortricid Proeulia auraria (Clarke), was studied in Central Chile.
In the vicinity of Santiago, the main damage is due to the overwintering first and second larval stages, which migrate in spring to the young shoúts of grapes and pear trees.
Adult flights have been monitored, using the specific pheromone for this species. It was captured throughout the year, wiht two peaks, one in early and the other in late summer.

1 Ing. Agr., Ph.D. e Ing. Agr., respectivamente, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales, U. de Chile. Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.
2 Ingenieros Agrónomos.