Vital A. Valdivia B.1 y M. Eugenia Badilla M.2

Intervarietal and interspecific crosses between Brassica napus L. and cultivated and wild species belonging to the Cruciferae family were studied in 1972 and 1973 at La Platina Experiment Station.
The zero erucic acid rapeseed variety Oro was crossed by hand with B. napus cultivar Norin 16, B. campestris, B. pekinensis, B. oleracea var. acephala, Sinapis alba, Rapistrum rugosum and Raphanus sativus.
B. napus Oro was planted with B. campestris in isolated field and with B. napus Norin 16 in close plots to induce natural crosses. Propartion of artificial crosses were evaluated by counting the number of pollinated flowers and harvested seeds. The evidence that the seed harvested on the cultivar Oro mother plants were hybrid and not selfed seed was obtained through the analysis of the erucic acid content since pollen source exert a direct effect on the compasition of the oil (xenia effect).
It was possible to make artificial crosses of B. napus cultivar Oro with B. napus cultivar Norin 16, B. campestris, B. pekinensis, B. oleracea var. acephala, S. alba and R. rugosum.
The compatibility was higher between the crosses B. napus x B. napus, B. napus x B. campestris and B. napus x B. pekinensis, and lower in the crosses B. napus x B. oleracea var. acephala, B. napus x S. alba and B. napus x R. rugosum. There was total incompatibility in the cross B. napus x R. sativus.
It did not occur cross-pollination between cultivar B. napus Oro and B. napus cultivar Norin 16 and between B. napus Oro and B. campestris when grown close to one another.

1Ing. Agr., M. S., Programa Oleaginosas, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.
2Ing. Agr., Correo, Sagrada Familia, Curicó, Chile.