A detailed soil survey was made of La Vega Sur de La Serena in the Province of Coquimbo. Four soil series were found. The soil were developed on a sea shoreline of emergence. The series Dunas de Peñuelas is apure coastal sand with sorne organic matter on topo Soils Ter-tel and Peñón lie between the sand and the old lagoon. Soil Ter-tel shows an impervious clayey layer near the surface. Soil Estoquillo is a peat soil deveolped in the marsh that surrounded the former lagoon. Reclamation is not difficult, because the excessive salts are soluble. It is also posible to drain and to irrigate the land on an economical basis. The soils badly need proper management to wash out the soluble salts as well as a rapid increase of organic matter to assure satisfactory yields. |
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1 Ingeniero Agronómo de la Sección Conservación de Suelo del Depto. de Investigaciones AgrÃcolas |