The activity of some metabolical groups of microbes has been studied in three depths of a ñadi soil. Under natural conditions, the organic carbon and nitrogen mineralize at a reduced rate which allows for accumulation of organic matter. In the laboratory, these processes are accelerated by an increase in temperature and by furnishing energetical substrates; high figures of CO2 evolution and a marked accumulation of mineral nitrogen are obtained, which implies the presence of a potentially very active population. A similar effect is obtained, from a given level on, with phosphorous, which liberates a great amount of easily assimilable carbon and ammonia. Nitrogen by itself would not be a limitant factor in the formation of nitrates, but as the ammonia-producing microorganisms are heterotrophs, they need energetical substrates; in the last end, it is the carbon cycle which holds backs the nitrogen cycle. The lacking of a source of available energy is postulated to be a limitant factor of the process of mineralization, as the carbon would be partially immobilized, be it biologically or held by the mineral colloid. |
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1 Ing. Agr. LÃnea Suelos, Estación Experimental La Platina. Instituto de Investigación Agropecuarias, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile. 2 Ing. Agr. Proyecto de Estudios y Reconocimiento de Suelos Chilenos FAO/UNDP/SF - Depto. AgrologÃa, DICORA - Servicio AgrÃcola y Ganadero. 3 Dr. en Ciencias, Experoto FAO - Naciones Unidas, Laboratorio de EcologÃa Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de ParÃs, Francia |