ABSTRACT Relative aerial biomass yield of intercropped alfalfa with winter forage cereals
Telmo Pereyra1*, Héctor Pagliaricci1 y Alfredo Ohanian1 |
In the tropical regions of the world, intercropping is mostly associated with food grain production, whereas it is receiving increased attention in temperate regions as a means of efficient forage production. The aim of this work was to determine the relative yield of aerial biomass in alfalfa or lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and winter forage cereals intercrops. These were done in eight systems resulting from the combination of species sown at different dates. The biomass was measured in three situations: alfalfa and cereal sole-crop and alfalfa-cereal intercrops, the relative biomass yields were calculated by the relative yield index (RYI). The field experiment was conducted as a bifactorial array in a randomized complete block design of two replicates. The alfalfa-cereal intercrops provided RYI values ranging from 0.71 to 0.83. This showed that it is possible to produce, in the same area, between 71 and 83% of the biomass that both crops would produce in separate ones. |
Keywords: intercrops, lucerne, winter forage cereals, relative aerial biomass yield, Medicago sativa. |
1 Universidad Nacional de RÃo Cuarto, Facultad de AgronomÃa y Veterinaria, Ruta 36 km 601, RÃo Cuarto (CP 5800), Córdoba, Argentina. E-mail: tpereyra@ayv.unrc.edu.ar *Corresponding author |