ABSTRACT The effect of different techniques of forest harvest residue management on some properties of a Kandiudult soil in Northeastern Argentina
Lidia Giuffré1, Roberto Fernández2, Ana Lupi2, Olga S. Heredia1 y Carla Pascale1 |
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different harvest residue management techniques for Pinus elliotii Engelm on the indices of a Kandiudult soil in Misiones, Argentina under conditions of high temperature and precipitation. The treatments were as follows: T1) manual extraction of harvest residues and reforestation; T2) burning and reforestation; T3) residue conservation and reforestation; and T4) residue conservation and development of a secondary forest. The statistical design was a completely randomized block with four replicates in blocks of 840 m2. The soil samples were removed a year and a half after introducing the treatments, since short-term monitoring is important given that the first four years are key for pine plantations in this region. The total removal of residue (T1) produced in lower values of total carbon (Ct) (P < 0.05). Burning (T2) in the short term produced a significant increment of extractable phosphorus (Pe) (P < 0.05). The conservation of residue provoked a significant increase in total nitrogen (Nt), equivalent to burning, and the highest values of total carbon (Ct) and light carbon (Cl) (P < 0.05). |
Keywords: soil properties, Kandiudult, Pinus, residues, management |
1 Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de AgronomÃa., Cátedra de EdafologÃa. Av. San MartÃn 4453 (1417) Capital Federal, Argentina. E-mail: giuffre@agro.uba.ar 2 Instituto Nacional de TecnologÃa Agropecuaria, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo, Misiones, Argentina. |