Effect of chemigation and painted applications of imidacloprid (Confidor®|) upon pseudococcus viburni (signoret) (homoptera :pseudococcidae) populations in table grapes

Patricia Larraín S.1

The effect of different rates and application methods of Imidacloprid (Confidor®) upon the grape mealybug Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret) was evaluated in table grapes cv. Thompson Seedless and Ribier, in the 111 and IV Regions ofChile (from 27°20'S. Lat.; 700 15'W. Long. to 300 51'S. Lat.; 70°25' W. Long.) during the 1992-1997 seasons. Data suggests that one application of Imidacloprid (Confidor® 350 SC) in spring through drop irrigation systems at rates of O.75 g i.a. or higher per plant can provide an effective control of P. viburni during the entire season and even for two seasons providing population pressures remain low. Although trunk applications also controlled the pest, they were less effective and reliable, especially at medium and low rates. Chemigation is an environmentally suitable and more effective alternative to P. viburni control than foliar insecticide treatments, in particular regarding spray drift exposure, environmental contamination and effect upon beneficial and non-target insects.

Keywords: Pseudococcus viburni, tab1e grapes, integrated pest management, chemigation, Imidacloprid, Confidor® 350 SC.
1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Centro Regional de Investigación Intihuasi, Casilla 36-B, La Serena, Chile. E-mail:plarrain@inia.cl.