Heritability and genetic gain in Chilean dry beans

Mario Paredes1, Juan Tay, Gabriel Bascur, Shree Singh

Heritability and genetics gain forthree quantitative traits were evaluated in crosses between chilean bean (race Chile) and genotypes from other races and gene pools. The evaluation of these genetic parameters were carried out in two locations: Santiago and Chillán. The results indicated that seed yield, 1OO-seed weight, and days to maturity are aH heritable traits and substantial progress could be made by selection among early generation populations. Moreover, Chilean germplasm seems to show superiority over other material included in the study. For adequate utilization of any introduced germplasm from other races of common bean, the earliness seems to be crucial.

Keywords: Bean, heritability, genetic gain, Chilean germplasm.
1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias , Centro Regional de Investigación Quilamapu, Casilla 426, Chillán, Chile. mparedes@inia.cl.