Isolation and selection of effective Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strains in the IX Region

Leticia Barrientos D.1 y Edith Méndez A.1

Trifolium pratense and T. incarnatum are the most spread legumes in the dry areas of the IX Region. As an alternative to the use of this species, a research track which considers diverse annual clovers has been initiated. However, there are non appropiate Rhizobium strains available in the country to inoculate such clovers. For that reason T. incarnatum, T. alexandrinum, T. subterraneum, T. hirtum, T. resupinatum, T. pratense and T. repens strains were isolated from nodulated plants collected in different areas of the IX Region. Effectiveness tests were carried out by inoculating T. incarnatum, T. alexandrinum and T. pratense plants developed in tubes with agar medium, controlling them with and without nitrogen. The tubes were kept for five weeks in a bioclimatic chamber, controlling the temperature, light and environmental humidity. The results show the existence of highly effective strains that exceed the nitrogen controls. It is therefore necessary to continue the evaluation with more promising Rhizobium strains, first in greenhouse and then in the field, in order to obtain an inoculant subject to be recommended for these species.

Keywords: Rhizobium, Trifolium, isolation, effectiveness.
1 Centro Regional de Investigación Carillanca (INIA). Casilla 58-D. Temuco, Chile.