ABSTRACT Wettening potential and stability of aggregates in soils with different management
Achim Ellies S.1, Renato Grez Z.1 y Carlos Ramirez G.1 |
In two Hapludands under pasture and the other to forestry management respectively, wetting properties and water stability of aggregates were evaluated. The wetting capacity was measured on a surface of microaggregates and on deposition of soil solution on glass. The soil samples coming from original native forest showed highest wetting resistance with an increases in soils used for a long time with intensive management. This increase in wetting obeys to qualitative and quantitative changes in the organic matter. It also lowers water stability of aggregates. Fraction size of aggregates increases and there is a reduction of water conductivity after continuous water percolation in the soil. |
Keywords: soils, wetting resistance, aggregates, water conductivity. |
1 Universidad Austral de Chile, Casilla 567, Valdlvla, Chile. |