Ismael Parker V. y Orlando Paratori B.1

Three hundred and eighty eight (388) varieties of maize were coHected from the area between the provinces of Tarapaca ancl Llanquihue. This region was divided into five geographical zones, according to ecological and corn culture conditions. Studies of the morphological characteristics were made at the Experiment Station in Paine and at La Platina Experiment Station, and the varieties were classified into the folIo-wing eight groups: Floury Dent, Common Dent, Semi-Dent, Choclero, Camelia, Flint, Curagüa and Sweet. A general description of each group, its clistribution by zones, anel varieties which make it up, are given, inclueling their respective plant and ear characteristics. The Instituto de Investigaciones Veterinarias completed this work by making an average bromatological analysis cf the groups. The Floury Dent group greatly predominates in the First and Second Zones but is not founel in the rest of the country. The Common Dent group predominates in the Third Zone, decreasing northward ancI southward, and is not found at aH in the Fifth Zone. Flint is the only group which is represented in the five geographieal zones, lllcreasing progressively from north to south until it predominates noticeably in the Fourth amI Fifth Zones. Semi-Dent, Choclero, Camelia, Curagüa ancl Sweet are scareely found in the country.

1 Ingenieros Agronómos, Proyecto Maíz, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuaria