Nicasio Bofarull L. y Jenaro del Pozo P.1

Trials were conducted in 1962 and 1963 at the Experiment Station of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Concepción in Chillán, to determine the effectiveness of various herbicides on weed control during the establishment period of alfalfa pastures. Products tried were: DNBP, 2.4-DB, ester and sodium salt, and Dalapon, applied after emergence, and EPTC, Gramoxone, and Amino-triazole, applied befare seeding. During the two seasons, best results were obtained from DNBP and 2.4-DB, es ter and sodium salt, in this arder, on broacl leaf weecl control; EPTC followecl by Dalapon were more effective on grass weed control. The best result on simultaneous control of grasses and broad leaf weeds, was obtainecl from the combination EPTC + DNBP, followecl by EPTC + 2.4-DB ester. The biggest problem in these trials was caused by broad leaf weeds.

1 Ingeniero Agrónomo e Ingeniero Agránomo M. S. Proyccto Control Malezas. Estación Experimental Chillán, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.