MeIvin G. Greeley1, Hernán Rivadeneira A.2 y Jaime Devilat B.2

A winter feeding trial with European-Holstein steers was conducted during the winters of 1963 and 1964 to evaluate the behavior of corn ane! sorghum silages, with ancI without a protein supplement, ancl with protein plus energy (dried beet pulp). Each treatment had six animals with an initial weight of 470 Kg. Throughout the trial, steers were kept in covered corrals, with the exception of three treatments that were replicateel in the field to study the effect of shelter on animals. Yeight daily gains for cam silage were 0,65 Kg. ancI 0,31 Kg. for sorghum silage. Yhen they were supplemented vvith protein (400 gr. per head/day), daily gains increased significantly to 0,89 Kg. and 0,69 Kg. respectively. Economically, gains obtained by protein addition resulted in higher profits per steer, specially in the case of sorghum. This may be due to its low protein dig-estibility. Supplementing with energy (2,5 Kg. of dried beet pulp per head/day) the silage ration alreaely containing protein anel hay (2 Kg. animal/elay), increased daily gains with corn silage to 1,02 Kg. ancI with sorghum to 0,83 Kg. Notwithstanding the fact that these gains were not significant, these treatments produced the highest output per steer. Although weight gains obtained with corn silage (Eureka) on grain corn silage (MA2), both supplemented with protein and dried beet pulp, gave no significant differences (1,02 Kg. / day in both cases), these were higher than when sorghum silage was given with the same supplement. Results were not affected by sheIter.The results of this tri al indicate that winter fattening of 18 months steers weighing 470 Kg. is economically convenient. If a good rate of increase is maintained, steers may reach market weight with a good state of finishing, weighing 550 Kg. at 20 - 22 months of age, in the season of more convenient prices. This is important from the standpoint of higher meat production and forage savings.

1 Ph. D.. Coordinador de Nutrición Animal de la Oficina de Estudios Especiales, 1962-1964.
2 Ingenieros Agrónomos, Proyecto Producción Animal, Estación E.xpcrimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuanas,