Raúl Avendaño T.1

The data on two red clpver variety trials, one trial being replicated at four locations: Santiago, Chillán, Temuco and Osorno, and the other established only in Santiago, are herein reported. These experiments were conducted far three and two years (plus one cutting during the third one) respectively. The behavior of the variety Quiñequeli is compared to several common red clovers. The variety Quiñequeli proved to have excellent winter growth, good recovery after cutting resistance to leaf diseases high total forage yield, and excellent adaptation far the length of the Central Plain. Regarding the common red clovers, although some of them, under certain conditions, might be comparable to Quiñequeli, their behavior generally is less promising than the improved variety Quiñequeli.

1 Ingeniero Agrónomo M. S. Proyecto Forrajeras de Riego y Producción Animal. Estación Experimental La Platina. Instituto de Ingestigaciones Agropecuarias