Federico Kocher G.1 y Aurelio Villalobos P.2

The effect of four levels of nitric nitrogen (105-210-315 and ,120 ppm.), supplied as salitre (KNO3) in the nitrogen constituents of foliar tissues in Carica candamarcensis Hook.. f. were studied by the nutrient solution technique in the greenhouse. Nitric-N in blacle and total-N in petiole increased linearly with concentrations of appliecl nitrogen. These alternatives seem to be suitable to refIect the internal status of nitrogen in the plant. Nitric-nitrogen in petiole and total-N in blade had a cuadratic increase with concentrations.

1 Ingeniero Agrónomo. Ph, D. Profesor de la Cátedra de Fruticultura General de la Facultad de Agrónomia de la Universidad de Chile. Proyecto Fisiología Vegetal del Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarías, por conveniio Escuela de Agronomía-Instituto
2 Ingeniero Agrónomo. Proyecto Fisiología VegetaI, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias