A survey of the quality of conserved forages as silage, in the South of Chile

Hernán F. Elizalde V.1 , Marisol González y.1 , Antonio Hargreaves B.1 , Juan C. Dumont L.1, Francisco Lanuza A.1 , Adrian Catrileo S.2, Alberto Mansilla M.3, Fernando Klein R.1 y Mauricio Hiriart L.2

A total of 74 silage samples, coming from permanent pastures and from the IX and the X Region of Chile, were evaluated. Samples were analyzed chemically, in order to know the variations of the dependent factors: dry matter, total protein, ammonia nitrogen, cell wall, pH, in vitro digestibility, lactic acid, acetic acid and butiric acid, with respect to the independent factors: locality, forage type, harvested area, type and capacity of the silo, processing time, date and height at cutting, and vegetative state. Result were submitted to a discriminant analysis, which classified them in ranges, according to the probability of belonging to a determinated class (P > 0.70).
Factors that showed the largest positive influence on silages made with a permanent pasture, in the zone surveyed, were:
- To cut the pasture at an early vegetative state (before heading of the grasses).
- To ensile in a short time (< 5 days).
- To harvest early (November).
- To harvest areas relatively small ( < 10 ha) and to ensile small volumes ( < 200 m3 ).

1 Estación Experimental Remehue (INIA), Casilla 24-0, Osomo, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental Carillanca (INIA), Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile.
3 Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Ciencias Agrartas y Forestales, Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.