During the 1986/87, 1987/88, and 1988/89 seasons, tolerant to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV) germplasm was selected, using artifitial infection under field conditions, with viruliferous aphids on bread and durum wheat in the North Central Zone of Chile. Ona thousand to hundred and two wheat varieties or lines were studied. These materials were submitted to two treatments: artifitial inoculation with BYDV and permanent protection against aphids. A special methodology to rise big amounts of viruliferous aphids was developed in order to provide a good infection of the material under study, reaching a production of more than 20 millions of specimens during 1987/88 and 1988/89 seasons. As permanent protection the insecticide dimetoato was applied every 15 days. During the three seasons of the study a very good infection was obtained being the average yield loss aproximately 20%, and as high as 36.74% in bread wheat and 43.91% in durum wheat during 1987/88. From this study 29 bread wheat and 12 durum wheat genotipes were selected, all of them with good tolerance level during the three above mentioned seasons. |