Analysis of the behaviour of wheat cultivars at La Platina Exp. Sta. (INIA, Santiago), y'|ears 1985 and 1986

René Cortázar S.1, Ignacio Ramírez A.1 , Ernesto Hacke E.1 , Oscar Moreno M.1 y Fernando Riveros B.1

The averages for yield, hectoliter weight, percentage of infection with Puccinia striiformis, P. recondita, and P. graminis and notes for BYDV and aphids, in all the yield experiments conducted at the La Platina Exp. Sta. (INlA, Santiago). the years 1985 and 1986, are reported. Yields of the bread wheats were 80.5 and 77.9 and of the durum, 83.9 and 76.2 quintals/ha, in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Hectoliter weight of the bread wheats, were 83.0 and 83.6 and of the durum, 82.1 and 82.9 kg/hl, in 1985 and 1986, respectively. In 1986 there was a great infection of P. recondita, specially in the durum wheats. Only 20% of the durum lines were resistant. That same year, the "dry leaf" symptom was observed in 25% of the lines, reducing the yield in 10% .

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.