Damage to plum and apricot shoots associated to thrips

Renato Ripa S.1

A relatively common damage on plum and apricot leaves was found to be associated to the presence of nymphs of several thrips species. The injury consists of holes of varying size on the leaf. Apparently, this is caused by the feeding of the nymphs inside of the terminal buds. The damaged tissue on these young leaves dries and shrinks, showing irregular holes that increase in diameter as the leaf grows. This damage, in the past, has been regularly attributed to coryneum blight, and erroneously treated with fungicides. Difference in the symptoms are given for both agents. The thrips species found inside the buds were: Anaphothrips obscurus and Frankliniella cestrum, on plums, and Thrips tabaci, on plums and apricots.

1 Subestación Experimental La Cruz (INIA), Casilla 3, La Cruz, Chile.