Propagation of "|murtilla"| (Ugni molinae Turcz.) using semi hardwood apical cuttings

Arturo Lavín A.1 y Carlos Muñoz S.2

Ugni molinae is a native small fruit shrub of Chile, with potential for domestication. Propagation experiments showed that the species rooted easily (87 0/0), when semi-hardwood apical cuttings, collected during late summer, are placed in a conventional rooting bed. Applications of ANA in a 50% hidroalcoholic solution during 5 seconds, at concentrations ranging from 100 to 5000 ppm, increased significantly the amount and quality of the roots, and the rooting percentage.

1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (lNIA), Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Maule, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental La Platina (lNIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.