Effect of preharvesting corn on the cobs, at the milky stage, on yield and quality of silage

Patricio Soto O.1 y Ernesto Jahn B.1

This effect on total dry matter (DM) accumulation, crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF) and distribution of soluble carbohydrates (SCH) was studied. Treatments were a) no preharvest; b) preharvesting 20.000 units/ha; c) preharvesting 40.000 units/ha; d)preharvesting 60.000 units/ha; e) preharvesting all the units. AII treatments were cut for silage when maize reached the dough stage. A randomized complete block design with four replicates was used. Production parameters were adjusted by covariance, according to plant population (plants/ha). DM harvested as corn on the cobs increased linearly (P < 0.05) with number of units harvested. DM contribution ofears at ensil ing, decreased linearly (P < 0.05) with the increase of units preharvested, but total production (silage + corn on the cobs) was not affected by treatments. SCH content of stalks increased lineraly (P < 0.05) with number of units harvested,suggesting that photosynthesis products accumulated in the stalks, when corn on the cobs were preharvested. CP and CF contents were not affected by treatments. Economic analysis showed a 34.3% reduction in the cost per kg silage DM,.when 20.000 corn on the cobs were preharvested and sold at the mil ky stage.

1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA). CasilIa 426. ChilIán. Chile.