Pollination of &lsquo|Red Beaut&rsquo| plum

Gamalier Lemus S.1, Jorge Valenzuela B.2 y Carlos Muñoz S.2

In order to determine the best pollinator for’Red Beaut’ plum, compatibility siudies were carried out, together with fenological studies of the flowering of the potential pollinators. Six cultivars or selections were tested, including two low chilling plums and two Myrobalan selections. AlI cultivars tested showed some degree of compatibility. The two Myrobalan selections showed both better set and better coincidence with the flowering period of ‘Red Beaut’.

1 Subestación Experimental Los Tilos (INIA), Casilla 223, Bun, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.