Rice quality: Characterization of three varieties and effect of nitrogen fertilization and weed control

Roberto Alvarado A.1 y Carmen Lobos Sch.1

During 1981/82 and 1982/83 growing seasons, in Talca, Parral 'and Chillán, five trials with the three main rice varieties (Quella, Diamante and Oro), with and without weed control and nitrogen fertilization, were set up. Some quality factors were determined. Whole grain percent was affected by varieties, and in the Linares province, during 1981/82, also by nitrogen fertilization. Varietal differences were found in length, shape (Iength/width ratio) and white belly. This last character varied, from season to season, and from location to location, in Quella. AII varieties presented low gelatinization temperatures. Nitrogen fertilization produced a significant response in protein content only in Parral (1981/82) and only in Quella (Chillán 1981/82). Quella generally presented the lowest protein value. Yield of protein (kg/ha) was highest with nitrogen fertilization, and weed control produced significant increases in Chillán (1981/82), Parral (1981/82) and Talca (1982/83).

1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, ChilIán, Chile.