A comparative study of three tillage systems for dryland wheat, in the coastal terraces of the V and the VI Region of Chile

Elías Letelier A.1, Rafael Novoa S - A.1 y Lido Tortello M.1

The purpose of this research was to evaluate the potential yields that can be achieved with zero tillage and minimum cultivation, with dryland wheat, independent of economic factors.
Minimum cultivation and zero tillage might become major farming practices in this area, considering advantages such as erosion control, optimal land use and opportunity of sowing. Soil and climatic cond itions, that may be Iimiting the adoption of th is practice, are described.
Two field experiments were carried out, in 1983 and 1984, in arder to compare: a. normal cultivation (spring fallow; disc harrowing befare sowing); b. minimum cultivation (shallow chisel ploughing and disc harrowing); and c. zero tillage. Three levels of N fertilization were established (0; 75; 150 kg N/ha)
Wheat yields,at the 150 kg N/ha fertilization level, were:

Tillage system Wheat yield (quintals/ha)
1983 1984
Fallow 74.5 45.0
Minimum cultivation 62.3 39.3
Zera tillage 47.2 40.8

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (lNIA), Casilla 439, Santiago. Chile.