Two Hereford calves production systems in natural pastures of the sub-humid Mediterranean climatic zone. I. With no fertilizers

Julia Avendaño R.1 y Carlos Ovalle M.2

During four growing cycles,a calf production system was evaluated, under the conditions of the Mediterranean sub-humid dryland range of Chile, with a minimum supplementation of the cow. Liveweight variation, forage avai labi Iity, reproductive and productive parameters, and Iiveweight sale, were analized. A minimum autumn-winter supplementation of the pregnant cow allowed to obtain adequate levels of productivity, that were not affected even in growing cycles where the Hereford cows lost liveweight (4.3 and 7.4%), between their minimum autumn weight (386 and 405 kg) and their post-partum weight. The annual liveweight sale, average for the four cycles, was 29,0 kg/ha.

1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (INlA). Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Chile.
2 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, ChiIlán, Chile.