Plant - water relations in grapevines, under different irrigation Ievels, using drip, sprinkler and furrow irrigation. II. Effect on vegetative growth and production

Juan Tosso T.1 y Juan José Torres P.2

The study was performed at the Vicuña Experimental Substation (INIA), which is located at the Elqui Valley, IV Region of Chile. The effect of applying four irrigation treatments (0.2; 0.5; 0.8; and 1.1 times Class A pan evaporation) was evaluated, using drip, sprinkler and furrow irrigation. A tendency to get less vegetative growth when small amounts of water were applied was observed (factor 0.2), although significant differences were obtained only with drip irrigation. Pruning weight showed a linear relation with estimated evapotranspiration for the drip irrigation treatments, in both seasons analized. The increase in trunk perimeter between seasons, showed significant differences among the drip irrigation treatments; the lowest response was with 0.2 pan evaporation. A tendency to obtain lower grape yields was observed, when using the factor 0.2, with alI the irrigation methods, although differences were not significant. The weights of clusters and of 100 berries were significantly affected by the drip irrigation treatments. The weight of 100 berries showed a linear relation with estimated evapotranspiration for the drip irrigation treatments, in both seasons analized.

1 Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casille 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Avda. Lo Plaza 1090, Depto. 42, Ñuñoa, Santiago. Chile.