Drip irrigation of two types of vineyards cv. Pais (syn. Mission) in the dryland of Cauquenes (Chile). III. Effects on mineral nutrition

Arturo Lavín A.1

From 1975 to 1980, at tite Cauquenes Experimental Station (INIA), two trials to evaluate the effects of drip irrigation, imposed overtwotypes of vineyards cv. Pais (syn. Mission), were performed. Tissue samples were taken, to evaluate possible differences in nutrition dueto dripping. In petioles no differences were found for N or P levels, in any of Ihe sampling dates, in both types of vineyards. In the oid vineyard, head trained, both irrigation treatments showed the same level for K, but always higher titan the check. In the young, trellised plants, there was always a direct relation between water availability in the soil and K levels in the petioles. Along the 1976/77 and 1979/80 growing seasons, different tissues were periodically sampled, to characterize the seasonal trends of macronutrients. Figures or tables with the average levels for N, P, K, Ca and Mg, in roots, canes, apexes and bunches, are included. A higher water availability in the soil, caused differences in some nutrient levels in some tissues, but apparently these differences are conditioned to a year effect, and it is unworthy to general ize with the present information in the studied zone.

1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (INIA), Casilla 165, Cauquenes, Maule, Chile.