Labriego-INIA, alternative wheat cultivar for the central-south zone of Chile

Luján E. Aguayo Ch.1

Labriego-lNIA is a new alternative wheat cultivar, obtained from a cross made in 1964 and released in 1981 by the Quilamapu Research Station. Labriego-INIA’s main agronomic characteristics are: 91-106 cm plant height; resistant to shattering and lodging; bearded and white spike; and white kernels. This cultivar has resistance to stripe and leaf rusts (Puccinia striiformis and P. recondita). It shows good yielding potential and milling and baking characteristics, as a winter wheat cultivar.

1 Estación Experimental Quilamapu (INIA), Casilla 426, ChiIlán, Chile.