Effect of continued doses of PCB&rsquo|s and DDT added to the normal diet of two years oid hens

Enrique Bergqvist1, David Lemus2, Sergio Iturri3 y Luis Barrales1

One hundred two years oId White Leghorn hens were divided in five treatments: I. check; II. 200 ppm PCB’s; III. 40 ppm PCB’s; IV. 50 ppm DDT; and V. 100 ppm DDT. The chemical products were added to the diet for a twelve weeks period. Twenty and 40 ppm of PCB’s reduced food consumption, from the eighth week on: DDT did not produce any reduction on the food ingestion, during the 12 weeks experiment. PCB’s caused a decrease on egg production, that was inversely proportional to its concentration in the hens’ diet, from the second and the third week on, respectively. Egg production was affected only with the highest dose of DDT (100 ppm). Continued dosage of these products did not cause mortality of the hens and had no effect on eggs characteristics, duri ng the 12 weeks experimental period.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427,Santiago, Chile.
2 Facultad de Mediçina Humana, Universidad de Chile.
3 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile.