Stress depend ent hystopathological alterations of the swine muscle and its relation with muscular acidification

Harold Toro Jr.1 Paul Hebel G.2

Muscle acidification values of 25 stress susceptible urgently slaughtered pigs and 20 normaly slaugh tered pigs (controls) were studied 2 hours post rnortem.
Muscle samples (Psoas mayor) were obtained tor an histopathological study in order to compare acid ification patterns in relation to the type and frecuency of muscle fibres lesions. Acidification degrees were lower than european reports in alI groups. The percentage of anirnals showing a normal acidifica tion degree was lower in those urgently slaughtered. There was sorne relation between pH values and fibres uniformity and thickness. Larger and uni former fibres were observed at normal or higher pH values. All groups showed a positive correlation between high degrees of acidification and the presence of corrugated and wavy fibres. Coagulation, lysis and absortion of fibres showed a high positive correia tion to high acidifioation values and it seemed to be a typical tentiency for the PSE condition.

1 Exequiel Fernández 964 -3059, Santiago, Chile.
2 Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, U. de Chile. Actualmente en: Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria, U. de Concepción, Casilla 537, Chillán, Chile.