Determination of a &ldquo|necrotic&rdquo| strain of the Bean Common Mosaic Virus, on beans in Chile

Mario Alvarez A.1 y Paulina Sepúlveda R.2

A virus, isolated from beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), was identified as a “necrotic” strain of the Bean Common Mosaic Virus (BCMV), different from the “Type” and “New York 15” strains, previously reported in Chile. The new strain produced top necrosis, together with severe vascular necrosis, in leaves, stems, pods and roots, with ultimate death of the plants, if infected while young, on those varieties which carry the domi nant hipersensitive gene, Corbett Refugee type resistance against the “Type” and “N. York 15” strains. On oid chilean varieties, susceptible to these two last strains, the new strain produced mosaic symptoms. The “necrotic” strain was determined as BCMV, based on symptomatology; restricted host range; physical properties; seroiogy; transmission by mechanical means, by seed and by aphids in a non-persistent form; and size and morphology of the virus particies.

1 Ing. Agr. Ph.D. Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.
2 lng. Agr. Convenio Estación Experimental La Platina-VI Región, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.