Effect of milk on the infectivity of tomate mosaic virus

Orlando Andrade1, Bernardo Latorre2 y Olga Escaffi2

Milk proved to be effective in the inactivation of the tomato mosaic virus, isolated in the Central Valley of Chile. A significant reduction of the infectivity of the crude viral extract diluted with milk was obtained, in relation to the infectivity of the same extract diluted with distilled water. Similarly the milk treatment allowed to reduce the dissemination of the disease during trasplant and on tomatoes at the 6-7 leaf stage.

1 Ing. Agr., ex memorante de la Facultad de Agronomía, U. de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.
2 Ing. Agr., Ph.D. e Ing. Agr., respectivamente, Facultad de Agronomía, U. de Chile, Casilla 1004, Santiago, Chile.