Pot experiments for the identification of deficient micronutrients in chilean soils. I. Antecedents

Gotardo Schenkel S.1 Pedro Baherle V.2

This is a first paper of a series on the identification of micronutrients deficient in chilean soils. This Part I is devoted to a review of literature, with special ernphasis on national contributions. These give a general view on thedeficiencies identified and on sorne, rather few, cases of soils affected by excessive levels of micronutrients, such as boron arid copper. Nutritional surveys, done mainly in vineyards and or chards, deficiency symptoms observed in sorne species, and pot experiments show that micronutrients are involved in multiple deficiencies. Frequently they appear together with other deficiencies, of primary or secondary elements, norrnally more severe. The importance of developing a pot experiment technique to identify the specific micronutrient that may be deficient in soils and, at the same time, to show that the addition of such microelement will correct it, is stressed.

1 Ing. Quí., Casilla 244, Osorno, Chile.
2 lng. Agr., M.S., Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.