Effect of application methods of potassium sulphate and rainfali on a dryland vineyard, cv. Pais

Arturo Lavín A.1

Six methods of applying potassiurn sulphate were compared in an unirrigated vineyard at the Cauquenes Experiment Station, from 1972 to 1979. Growth, yield, and tissue levels of N, P and K were measu red annually, and with the data obtained sorne relationships were calculated. It was concluded that the K levels can be increased with anyone of the methods used and that neither N, P or K is the lirniting factor in fhese vineyards. The amount and seasonal distribution of rainfall was the main factor affecting production. Localizing the fertilizer at 20 or 40 cm depth induced higher productions than broadcasting.

1 Subestación Experimental Cauquenes (INIA), Casilla 165, Cauquenes.