Analysis and projections of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) for the present decade

Claudio Cafati K.1

The author parricipated, in April 1981, n a seminar on strategies for research and training, at dAT, Cali, Colombia. Later, in November 1981, CIAT published the document “CIAT in the eighties”, based on the draft prepared by the Institute and presented to the seminar, but incorporating the contributions received from the different county’s representatives at that meeting. This paper presents a résumé of the main aspects covered by such document, under the following sub-tittles; Function of CIAT in relation to food and income. Function of CIAT in relation to other institutions. Historical perspective. Global objectives and principies of the Center. Yuca. Beans. Rice. Tropical pastures. International cooperation. New initiatives. Budget projections.

1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.