Relation between the presence of bacterial infections in uterus and oviducts of slaughtered cows

Rodrigo Palacios1, Marta Rivas2 y Mario Jarpa3

A bacteriologic survey of both uterus and oviducts of nonpregnant cows, Holstein cross-breed from 4 to 10 years oid, was carried out with the purpose of determining their association. From two slaughterhouses in Santiago, 60 genitals, with complete macroscopic uterine involution, were drawn and divided into 4 groups: 15 without macroscopic Iesions and 15 in each one of the degrees (3) of endometritis considered. Most of the 60 genitals presented endosaipingitis, but the presence of bacteria was not associated to endosaipingitis, and the isolated species were usualiy non-pathogenics or of low pathogenic potential. Also, no significant relation was observed between uterus and oviducts’ bacteria from the same genitais. OnIy Corynebacterium pyogenes was effectively associated to endosalpingitis.

1 Colegio Médico Veterinario-AG. Casilla 13384, Correo 21, Santiago. Chile.
2 Fac. de Ciencias Agrarias, Veterinarias y Forestales, U. de Chile, Casilla 13, Correo 15, Santiago, Chile.
3 Nevada 7193, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.