Microhabitats differences among Euxesta eluta and Euxesta annonae (Díptera, Otitidae)

Daniel Frías L.1

The microhabitats differences between E. eluta and E. annonae, f lies that have been given as pest of corn in Chile, are studied. The results show that these species exhibit differences in their oviposition site. The viability of larvae would depend on the concentration of water of the corn cobs. E. annonae larvae were mainly collected on in mature corncobs, and E. eluta larvae were collected mainly on riper ones. It is also noted that the development of E. eluta larvae is favoured by the previous activity of the larvae of Heliothis. On the contrary, E. annonae develops by preference on cobs that have not previously been da maged by the corn earworm.

1 Aux., Unidad de Genética y Evolución Experimental, Departamento de Biología Celular y Genética, U. de Chiíe, Casilla 6556, Correo 7, Santiago, Chile.