Relative prevalence of the principal wheat diseases, in the north central zone of Chile

Guido Herrera M.1

In 1977 and 1978, surveys were made in order to determine the main wheat (Triticum aestívum L.) diseases in the north central zone of Chile. The observations were done based on periodical visits to given wheat fields, from the Aconcagua Valley to Curicó.
The fields sampled were 29 in 1977 and 22 in 1978. In each field, notes were taken for the main diseases observed (Septoria tríticí, Helmínthosporium trítící-repentís, Puccínía gramínís-tritici, and barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV), in 12 random sites, during each visito Conclusiones were drawn using only the notes taken during the wheat flowering visit, in which symptoms were expressed most clearly.
BYDV and septoria leaf blotch were the most prevalent diseases in the central plain, and septoria leaf blotch and yellow leaf spot, in the coastal dry lands.

1 lng. Agr., Estación Experimental La Platina (IN lA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chíle.