Juan Guillermo Rosa Wilke1

This trial was carried out in order to do a preliminary evaluation of (Lupinus luteus var. aurea) as a protein supplement for growing finishing pigs.
For this purpose 24 comercial hibrid pigs of 41/2 months old were used. These pigs were allocated into two treatments of 12 pigs each. the treatments were as follows:
I Oats based diets with fish meal as a protein supplement.
II Same as treatment I but the fish meal was replaced at the 50% level by sweet lupin seed.
The diets were eqqual protein level and offered ad libitum. Feed consumption and live weight were controlled every 14 days.

1Ing. Agr., Proyecto Cerdos-Aves. Estación Experimental Carillanca. Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA). Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile.