Eugenio Rojas E.1, Aurelio Villalobos P.2 y MoisésEstaff G.1

The effect of four doses at four doses at three different stages of plant development of 2 chloroethylphosphonic acid (Ethrel) on sex expression of Honye Dew melon was studied in a factorial desing with five replications at La Platina Expreimental Station, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias.
None of the treatments increased or decreased female flowers, but both male and the radio male to female flowers were decreased. Ethrel changed the normal pattern of pistilleted flowers through the flowering period.

1Ings. Agrs., Programa Hortalizas, Estación Experimental La Platina, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.
2Ing. Agr., Ph. D., Programa Frutales y Viñas, Estación Experimental La Platina, Casilla 5427, Santiago, Chile.