Carmen Visconti R.1, Hermán Báez G.1, Raúl Ernesto R.1, Pilar Pardo R.1, Rosa Urbá M.1 y Marta Vargas U.1

Chemical composition of three varieties of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) widely used by chilean industry was studied.
Forthy three samples of seed and 18 of oilmeal were analysed using the methods given by AOAC.
The statystical study indicates that there is a highly significant difference between different varieties in protein, crude fiber and ether extract.
The proximate analysis shows that crude fiber is the limitant for animal feeding when sunflower oilmeal is used, specially for birds and monogastric animals.

1Laboratorio de Química del Departamento de Control de Productos Biológicos. Farmacológicos y Alimentos. Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, Casilla 4527. Santiago, Chile.