Gotardo Schenkel S.1, Pedro Baherle V.2, Tatiana Floody A.3 y Mauricio Gajardo M.4

The nutritional deficiencies of 50 soil samples from Osorno province, are identified in potted experiments with Lolium perenne x Lolium multiflorum. Only seven of these samples did not come from plow-depth level.
Interpretation of the results in mode through a fertility diagram. The main deficiencies detected are: phosphorus, potassium and sulfur, considerin the first two ones as severe.
Variation among soil samples are observed similarly as in those belonging to other provinces already studied. Usually, variation in severity of the deficiencies is more often observed than variation in ranking of the elements considered as production limiting factors.
Topographic an permeability factors influence the fertility diagram. Potassium deficiency tends to increase on soils located in the "precordillera de los Andes". Towards the coastal range sulfur becomes more important. One exception is presented by "ñadi" soils, where all the nutrients, even calcium and micronutrients, are scarce with potassium being the predominant one. With respect to fertility problems, the latter present the highest complexity.

1Ing. Químico, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental Carillanca, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Casilla 58-D, Temuco, Chile.
2Ing. Agr., Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental Carillanca, INIA.
3Laboratorista Química, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental Carillanca, INIA.
4Ayudante de Invernadero y de Laboratorio, Proyecto Fertilidad de Suelo, Estación Experimental Carillanca, INIA.